Ctu Meeting at Jordan Community School

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Throughout the country we have been told that merit pay is an unstoppable juggernaut, that lanes and steps

are a thing of the past and health care costs are skyrocketing. Despite the aggressive and dishonest attack on our profession, we have defied the national trends. This is not a perfect contract, but there are tremendous victories reflected in what we have been able to preserve and expand. Subject Length of Day Staffing & Curriculum

Boards Original Position 7 hour, 40 min day No additional staff, no expansion of curriculum, no coverage for recess, preps, etc

Professional Development

Duration of Contract

Mandatory Friday afternoon/early evening or Saturday PD, 75 min a week 5 year agreement, ensuring labor 3 year agreement putting our peace until after the next next contract campaign right in mayoral election the midst of the next Mayoral election campaign possible 4th year with 3% TBD by the UNION

Eventual Tentative Agreement 7 hour day Over 600 additional positions overwhelmingly in art, music, & PE. Memorialized so positions remain beyond interim agreement Proposed but not yet accepted: additional social workers and nurses if we receive gambling money from the state Workload committee for special education providers to find solutions for large workloads Eliminated the night and weekend PD requirement

Health Care

Sick Pay Short term disability Maternity/Paternity

Nearly 40% increase for families and couples Wellness program that further penalized smokers Proposed increases in ER co-pays Eliminate sick day accrual altogether Eliminate banked time pensionability. Provide for short term disability leave for up to 90 days with pay

Freeze on health care premiums and co-pays for all members

Continue to allow principals to have unfettered power over our work lives

Current bank is maintained. Can still be cashed out at retirement Future unused sick days are still pensionable and can be banked up to 40 for use as short term disability for maternity New short term disability and maternity benefit: up to 30 days at full pay; next 30 days at 80% pay; next 30 days at 60% Cannot be disciplined or harassed by principal for use of these benefits Additional longevity days Paternity leave (not fully agreed upon yet, but we have a verbal commitment) Anti-bullying clause that prohibits abusive and demeaning conduct by principals


*High stakes evaluation from year 1 *Evaluation plan that resulted in only 55% of rating based on teacher practice, and 45% based on student standardized test scores and student survey *Forces union members to evaluate each other, i.e. via department chair, etc

* Year 1 is no stakes advisory *Preserved 70% of rating for teacher practice- the best allowed by law. *Appeals process for unsatisfactory ratings or 2nd needs improvement. 1st time ever. *No evaluation by your colleagues *Insertion of student survey by choice only- no longer mandatory part of evaluation- will ONLY be added IF the joint committee agrees to it



*One time 2% raise with no guaranteed raises for following 4 years * Complete removal of steps and lanes *Ill-defined merit pay scheme for final two years, with details to be worked out post contract settlement *Wage reopener that would have allowed for taking future raises by declaring a fiscal emergency (as was done with the 4%raise) *Addition of career ladders that would pit one member against another Nothing

* Year 1- 3% *Year 2- 2% *Year 3- 2% * If we choose to agree to the 4th year-3% *Lanes restored *Steps restored with modified schedule- maintains total value while putting more money into steps 14-16


Nothing- claimed illegal

*Private meeting space *1 hour daily prep *Locked cabinet *Workload protection- any new paperwork mandates require access to printers and other office supplies they used to have to buy themselves *50% of all new hires must be from displaced pool *Economic penalty to Board if displaced quota is not met, must provide Appendix H benefits to Displaced members by seniority Substitute is provided for one-onone testing or if providing testing accommodation and modifications for testing of special education, ELL and other students *More than double annual supply money to $250 *Text books are available for distribution on day 1 of school *Maintained the existing definition of a grievance *Allows delegates to bank their monthly union prep period and attend day-long union professional development



*$100 of supply money *Text books are provided whenever available Radically cut the definition of a grievance



Status quo: suspensions without pay, no ability to grieve discipline

*suspensions without pay eliminated *Arbitration and mediation of disciplinary decisions at step prior to dismissal *Current class size language protected *Won $500,000 for class size reductions *12 week payout OR * 40 weeks in Reassigned Pool (20 weeks at regular pay and 20 weeks at cadre pay) * Additional longevity days *Board must promote racial diversity in hiring

Class Size

Appendix H- Layoffs

*Remove all reference to caps on class size *Remove all money allocated to class size reductions by class size committee 12 week payout OR *20 week reassigned pool *PAT- Day to Day sub for 20 weeks Wanted to remove and prevent any reference to race in contract

Racial Diversity

Management Rights

Assault Leave

Special Education Classroom Assistant

Expand the management rights clause immensely from one paragraph to two pages that eliminates our right to discuss staffing, subcontracting, class size, selection of new employees, length of day and year, assessment policies Wanted to eliminate full pay and benefits for members on assault leave and instead provide workers compensation at 2/3rds pay Continue to move our teacher assistant members into SECA classifications regardless of their actual job duties

Eliminate all of the Boards additional language

Preserved assault leave benefit

CPS will no longer be able to classify non diapering and feeding Teacher Assistants as SECAs

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